Friday, March 5, 2010

I Long

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. (Psalm 42:1)
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you could taste it or feel it. You know what I am talking about; it is that feeling you have when you are sixteen and you are about to get that first car. You can picture yourself driving down the road, playing your music louder than your mother ever let you play it in her car. Maybe it is to you like that very first date, now that is something you can feel; you feel nervous, at times you think that you are going to get sick, but under all those confused feelings there is excitement and you daydream about how the date will go. However when you get to drive or go on that first date, it is usually not like anything you pictured it would be when you were thinking about the driving or the date. This is very much how it is when we are longing for God. We have in our minds how things are going to be when we become a new Christian, get in God’s will or sit down and pray. I would say that most of the time it is not even close to the way we pictured things would be when we seek after God. I love this verse though; as the deer pants for streams of water. That deer is not just wanting a drink of water, this deer is down right thirsty and the deer knows without this stream of water he is not going to survive. Much like us, if we do not pant after the author of salvation we are going to thirst that cannot be quenched, no matter what we trying to put in the place of God.
This verse has spoken to me this week; I have not had much time to do my bible readings as I like to do during the week. Mostly because I have filled my time with other things, not terrible things just things that I have not done in a while like getting out and enjoying this great weather with a walk or working in the yard. It is just that time for schedule adjustments as the days get longer and warmer. My soul has been panting for my time with God. I know that many of you have very busy lives; work, kids, school and other activities. I encourage you though take a moment this week and give your soul a drink of the living water. I believe you will find yourself renewed with a new energy and outlook on the events happening in your life.

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