Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are You Small Enough

It has been several years back when I was going through a very hard time in my personal life that I asked God; are you small enough. This time in my life was during a time of confusion, hurt and a mountain of heart ache. I would hear from people all the time that they were praying for me and that God was bigger than my problem and my hurt. I cannot take credit for all of my hurt and problems at this time, but I was part of the problem. I would say to myself and to God when others would tell me that God was bigger than my problem; “God I know you are big and awesome, but I really need to you to be small enough for me.” Many times when we think on God it is on a grand scale, we think of things as Creator, Life Giver, Author of Salvation and I AM. These are big things and I praise Him for being all those things. Often though in the mists of our pain and hurt we forget that He is Counselor, Comforter and most of all Savior. A counselor is someone I can talk to about my hurt and pain, a comforter is someone that can hold me and hug me and just be there when the hurt and pain become to much to bear, lastly and most importantly as a Savior God tells us that He was once a baby, a child and a man He knows my hurts and pains. Most of all He knows how to free me from them. When I asked this thing of God; if He was small enough. He did not answer me right away, instead He was each of these things all the way through my hurt and pain, even when I was not doing as He would like for me to have done He was still there being it all. The answer is yes God is small enough, He became small enough to dwell within a baby; the Creator of it all packed into a baby. Now that is being small enough just for us. I do not know where you are at right now, maybe you are good right now and God is blessing you with a time of peace. Maybe though you are in a world of hurt, pain and trouble and need a comforter, counselor and Savior. Things may just be in the beginning stages of the hurt you will have to go through, but let me tell you there are blessings and peace to be had and found in your hurt and pain. All you have to do is be willing to go to God and lay it at His feet and say “Daddy I need help”. Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. Is it not awesome to know that we have a God that meets us right where we are and is willing to take on our burdens and let us rest why He solves the problems.

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