Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Letters from war

My fellow Christians; there is a war raging all around us. I am not just talking about the Wars that are all around us in the world today, but with all these wars going on here on Earth; you know that there must be an even greater spiritual battle raging. Now that I have mentioned battles on a broader range, let me talk about the more personal battles raging. I am sure that somewhere in your life that there is a battle raging. Maybe it is an illness, a person, a commitment or financial matters. Now why these things may seem to be earthly things I assure you that they very well may be spiritual. All off these are seen in the Bible as spiritual in one way or another. First you see illness throughout the Bible but you see it as a spiritual battle in the book of Job. A test for Job; but a battle to be fought. His letter from war were tears and heartache lifted up to God, a man who knew the battle ground on which he stood. Second a person that is causing you trouble, pain or sorrow; fear not you are not the first and will not be the last. It is a battle that can be won through love and prayer. Think about Isaac's sons Esau and Jacob. Could there have been more hatred between two people? A brother who stole his fathers blessing and a brother mad with rage almost killing his brother and running him off to a distant land. However in the end Jacob goes to his brother and apologizes and knows that for him to prosper he must reconcile with his brother. His letter from war; a battle with God and a new name. Maybe the battle is a commitment that you are afraid to make to God or something. Do not fret to much about this struggle because you are not the first. Moses struggled with God's request to free his people, Peter struggled with staying faithful to Christ, and Jonah feared going where God would have him. Their letters of war were ones of submission and the joy that comes from obedience; even if it takes a little nudging. Third on finance; it may be a battle in giving back to God what is his, it may be that you are overwhelmed with the cost of living. Continue steadfast in prayer and do not let the enemy defeat you. The Bible says, “Where ever your treasure is so shall you heart be.” Be sure that your treasure is found in Christ. The letter from war you will write will be one of victory and rejoicing in the Lord.
There is a constant war raging for us as Christians. Condemnation for our beliefs, countries where if you speak of the Gospel you are punished or killed. Pray for these people that are out there following God and on the front lines of the battle field. Because the letters they send home from war; are ones stained with blood and sacrifices that we may never know.

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