Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mission Trip

Hey everyone. It is good to be back in the states, but I am excited about getting back on the mission field. I spent my spring break in San Miguel, Mexico. Not the nice city but the one in Choa Mexico. In one word I would have to say Amazing; that is the way the whole trip was for me. There was tons of driving on long roads that seem to not lead anywhere, but we made it to the desert. I had a lot of anxiety before going on this mission trip and I spent many nights in prayer about the mission. My main concern was about the dangers that are going on in Mexico right now and me being able to eat the food without getting sick; plus a few other things. I have to be honest I made this commitment to go on the mission trip with much excitement, but as the time got closer I felt like there were things that were signs that maybe I should not go. Then after prayer and talking with friends it was very apparent that God was wanting me to go on this trip not matter what excuse I made to why I could not. With that said I am so glad that I was obedient to God and went; I was immensely blessed by this trip. Now a little bit of information about our trip into Mexico.
We headed into Mexico on Saturday morning and made it to the border about 3pm, we made our last calls to home and headed into Mexico. I should have known from the start what an amazing trip this was going to be. We were not 20 minuets into Mexico when Tony the guy guiding us to our location stopped at a church and dropped off a washer. The blessing was about to come to us. We went in to see the small church and there was a praise team doing a bible study. They asked if they could pray over us; they did and even though I could not understand most of what they were saying it showed me just how big the body of Christ is in the world. The prayers they prayed for us were filled with the power of the Spirit and you knew that their prayers were blessing to us. Our first night in Mexico was spent at a small church in Muzquez; what they call a city in that area. We were feed some great food there and we all spent the night on the roof of the church.
Our second day we spent most of the day on the road traveling through the mountains down long stretches of road. We made it to San Miguel about 1pm and got unloaded and made ourselves familiar a little bit with the town. Did a little work and made some dinner then spent the evening till sun went down; because there was no light or electricity in the area. We made plans for the next day for work; painting, working on the little church in one of the neighboring villages, and of course food for the next day since I was one of the cooks.
On the third day we started out bright and early or at least I did along with the other cook. The day was spent pretty much doing work in the areas that we had planned and preparing the food for the days to come. Later in the afternoon I got to travel to the other village, expecting to take pictures, but I ended up with another blessing in getting to work with some of the local men and then getting feed one of the better meals I had on the trip; fresh goat and rice. The day ended with continuing with work and we made it early to bed one because of it being dark and mostly because we were tired.
On the fourth day some exciting things happened. First The other cook and I got right to work on preparing food for the whole village. To me though the most exciting part was preparing lunch for the school there. The kids were so excited and it was lots of fun to feed the kids and get to see them in a school setting. Later that evening we feed all the village deer, hog, and other wild meats. This was really great combined with the service that was done also.
All in all the trip was great, I was ready for a bath and inside toilets and the absence of sand. It was so relaxing though not to have to be worried about e-mail, bills, or the craziness of American life. It makes me really appreciate the things I have and the luxuries that we have. I can not wait till our next mission.

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