Monday, February 15, 2010

This Little Light

As I think most of you would remember, those of you that grew up going to Sunday school, the song this little light of mine. The song was quite simple; this little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine; simple song strong message. Over the last few days I have heard in sermon and in devotional reading a reoccurring message of just this very thing, letting your light shine. Sure in the sermon and in the text they used words like sharing the Gospel or the different ways people try or think they are sending the message to others or ever the way they share verbally the plan of salvation. After hearing and reading these things I got to thinking that maybe God was speaking to me about sharing His message, then I became sure that He was telling me something. This got me thinking that I should also share this with those of you who read my blog. When we are being taught as children this little song “This Little Light of Mine”, often it go without saying that we are being taught to share what God has done for us and what he has done with us. Now as a child we are not thinking these things, but none the less it is being taught to us. The question is have you been letting your light shine? All the time? Are you truly letting your light shine or do you talk yourself into believing that you are? Let me explain what I am saying. In today’s world of being politically correct and everyone watching their words for fear of upsetting someone; the message of Christ get lost. We as Christians are to blame, because we are not letting our light shine. Listen to me when I say this, we are all guilty at times of covering our light because the darkness seems so convincing. While acceptance and tolerance are very good things, the message can get lost very quickly. We often do not speak up for Christ because it will cause people to look upon us as intolerant or judgmental. I ask you can it truly be your fault that people see your statement of faith or standing up for Christ as intolerant? I heard Charles Stanley say a few weeks back; do what God has asked you and the responsibility of the consequences are His. I myself find myself at times not speaking up as I should or skirting around what really needs to be said; for fear of losing my job or a friendship. Oh we can come up with excuses to justify these things, but when we do not follow God’s lead the consequences become ours. Christian I tell you LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Our faith is under so much attack, if we do not start speaking up for Christ we are going to lose what ground we have left and it will soon come that to speak the very word of God will come at a great price to us. I encourage you sometime today to find a way to let your light shine. There are many ways to let your light shine, but none of them are done in silence. What to know a good approach to witness to someone, read Acts 8 and see how Phillip did this very thing. Have you read the great commission recently, sometime we need to be reminded, read Matthew 28:19-20.

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