Thursday, February 18, 2010

Here I am to worship

In our world I do not think that the word worship truly sits well with people and in truth most people are probably not truly worshiping. When you think of worship, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Church, singing maybe even prayer? Worships is all of these things, but it is also so much more. Let us look at a few things that Jesus had to say about worship.“It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only. (Luke 4:8); first and foremost we are to worship only God, no other and no other objects. What does God think of our Worship our prayers? 21 The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma (Gen. 8:21) Our worship to Him is a pleasing aroma. Have you ever thought that your prayers and worship have a pleasing smell to the creator of the universe? Now that we know that we are only to worship God and that it is pleasing to Him; the question is what are some ways to worship Him? There are so many ways to worship God here are a few, in prayer, in song and dance, with your time, with money, with obedience and with fasting. We should have a hunger for worshiping the Lord everyday not just on Sunday mornings when there is someone leading you in worship. Worship God everyday, after all He is the creator of the very ground you fall upon to worship Him. Take a little time and spend it on your knees worshiping the Lord and send up the pleasing aromas to heaven.

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