Friday, February 12, 2010

The Haunting Question

It was a few days back back but a friend and I were talking about different ideas on all types of subjects, but the most reoccurring subject was religion and God. As our discussion went on it began to remind me of a book I had once read. The book, The Time Machine, the conversation that I was reminded of was the one where Alexander Hartdegen is talking with one of the head / Uber-Morlock. The Morlock tells Alexander that he is a man haunted by the great question of what if. You see to understand what Alexander was after; you have to know that his fiancee Emma was killed. The part that was driving Alexander crazy was even though he could travel into the past no matter how many times he did go back to save Emma, she always died. Alexander spends most of his time pondering on what could have been if he could have only saved her, he completely forgets about life happening all around him. During my conversation with my friend, it became apparent how much we ponder what what if or what could have been. We spend so much time wondering, what if I could have gotten that promotion, what if I would have stayed in and finished school, what if I would have made a different decision on a night I try to forget or what if I could be more like someone else. People I am telling you that God is big enough to work with and around all our what ifs, the problem is that most of the time we are not. We get caught up in the what if scam, believing that it will make life all the better for us. I am here to tell you that it will not make a bit of difference because decision once made can not be revoked. Stop haunting yourself with the questions of what if and yesterday and focus on what is and what will be. Live in the promises that God has given us.

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