Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Walk

This week has not only been busy, but it has also been a milestone week for my youngest daughter. She started walking this last weekend, not only was I excited about her walking, but I was also a little sad. She is the baby, the last child of mine that I will see make this great milestone. Now the world can truly become her playground, but with this comes many dangers that I will have to help her navigate. This reminds me much of the Christian walk. We start out not even able to walk and all of heaven rejoices at our birth in the spirit. Then it is not to long and the spirit begins to feed us the bread that our heart desires. Then we take our first big step in faith and a whole new world opens up to us. Again we can see God smile at us with the proud father look, but I cannot help but wonder if he thinks a little the same way I have about my daughter. As we think that we are going to conquer the world; I wonder if He is thinking to Himself how proud he is but that the road starts to become a little harder. Now truly think to yourself; after you became a Christian did life get easier or harder? I think that if you are truthful with yourself you will agree that life became harder. Oh sure we have an unlimited power source to tap into, but we often ignore God and his power; thinking all the while we can handle these things ourselves. Is it not interesting how as soon a we start to walk a little that we tend to think we need God a little less, that we can handle things on our own. I find it amazing how after a child learns to walk that the independence starts to stand out. Soon it is I can do it Daddy and I do not need help Daddy. While I rejoice in these things, I become deeply saddened because I know that I am needed just a little bit less and at some point I am not going to be needed near as much. The difference in our relationship with God is that, while He likes us to be independent, we still need Him very much. Sometimes we get so far from Him that we tend to forget we need Him, then we are reminded at some point that we very much need out Daddy. When was the last time you sat down and told Father God that you needed Him and loved Him? I believe you will find Him standing right there beside you say, "I know you do and I love you too; I am here to help you navigate this cruel world."

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