Monday, January 25, 2010

Here I Stand

Hello and good morning everyone. All I can say is wow; what a busy busy week. Classes started for my wife and I this last week, hence the lack of blog posting. Have no fear though I will be back getting blogs out daily soon. There is always something about adjusting your schedule when new things push themselves in your life.

Speaking of things getting a little rearranged in your life; I am betting that this has happened to you a time or two in your life. Some people say it is life throwing you curve balls. I say it is a time when you really find out what you are made of; it is also a great time for you to discover something new about yourself. This is very much the same way that God works in our lives. We have a great routine going and we get to planning life and wham, God has something for you. The turning point comes in how willing are you to move forward with what God has planned for you. Most of us say "here I am standing Lord, what do you want me to do". Then God says ok, I have something for you to do for me. Our response is much the same as Moses', I can't do that that Lord I am not qualified. Let me tell you, if God has called you to do something, you are qualified. As a matter of fact you do not get any more qualified. A few weeks ago I posted about us being in the potter's hands and being available. So, now that you have made yourself available, move forward with the word of God being a lamp unto your feet. God wants to use you, but you have to be willing to go where God wants you to go; even if it is not something you can do. Has God called you out asking you to do something, remember no matter how small you think something is, it makes a big difference if you are obeying God's call.

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