Monday, January 18, 2010

The Mind of A Child

Yesterday I spent a good part of the afternoon outside with my daughter. She has been itching to get outside for days now, but since it has been to cold or raining she has not been able to. Yesterday though, one of the first things she said after church was that the sun was out and she wanted to go out and play. Normal 2 1/2 year old thinking; it was not long until she wanted to do one of her favorite things, playing in the dirt. I told her that she could not play in the dirt; she then asks why not? So I told her that she could not play in the dirt because God made it rain the night before. She the looks up and says "God don't let it rain". Then she went on about her playing. It was about 45 minutes later I was sitting on the back steps with her and she tells me that God made the trees and the grass, the without skipping a beat she looks up and says "God make me some dirt". She turns and looks at me shrugs, then says "God does not hear me". I then told her God had made the dirt and it was all around her. How often this is us when we pray and ask God for something. We ask and never look around us to see that God has already provided everything for us we just have to look around sometimes.

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