Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Been A While

Okay, it has been a while.. okay so it has been a long while..< roles eyes >. I have not fallen of the Earth, yet, but I have been spectacularly busy. So, all of it has not been so spectacular. It seemed the holidays got here went as quickly as they came and the new year hit and BOOM! Yup I got busy. School,life, kids, wife and friends. I regret to say that one of those has now fallen of my list (school), yeah I think that I just need a break from that for a while and focus on some of the things I enjoy.
While this blog will continue to focus on God and faith, I am going to be expanding it to cover much more. How much more? Life! Kind of vague I know, but it will be fun. Some of the things you will see on here are some of my crazy philosophical ideas, our snakes and their breeding, also our breeding of rats and mice, book reviews and things happening in the life around us and in the world. Yeah it is going to be interesting!
I do hope everyone will enjoy this new approach i am doing; I also hope that it will bring more comments and discussions.

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