Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm Making My Way

Do you ever stop and wonder; where am I headed? What am I doing with my life that makes a difference? There are many questions we could ask ourselves, but they all have the same answer. Who are you making your way for in the life you are given? You may answer; I am doing everything for my family. I work hard for them and give them everything they need and want. You may say; my kids are my life and hope, everything is for them and their future. These are all noble statements and things that everyone should do for the greater good. Taking care of your family and children is a universal truth and a widely excepted one at that. Okay, so who should we be living our lives for everyday? What should be our motivating factor? The answer is simple, but the doing is very difficult. God. Nothing else even needs to be said. Jesus says “It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” We may need the bread of this world to survive this earthly life, but our life and soul depends on how much time with spend with the words that come from God’s mouth. These words that come from the mouth of God, are none other than the very Bible. God has given everything we need to deal with this life in this book. You may be saying to yourself that it does not cover every subject known to man. The truth in this is that everything falls under some subject in the Bible. This is why we need to spend time daily learning and reading God’s word. Not only does it strengthen our relationship with the creator, but it gives us the very substance to survive our daily lives. By gaining more understanding and investing in our relationship with God, we are investing in more than we could imagine. When you are making your way with God as your leader and instructor; the other things that are important to you like your family and children will automatically be blessed by your obedience. When those things of life get you down and you are broken as Hezekiah was when he learned of his soon to be death. When you weep against the wall as he did and ask God to pull you out of the depths of sorrow and pain. Or when it is the blessings of life as it was for Abraham when God provided a sacrifice for him. Making your way with God may be a great challenge at times and may bring sorrow and pain. The great thing about making your way with God is that you are making your way with the creator of it all. He knows the path because he laid the foundations of the earth. (Job 38:4)"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.” We do not understand, but he does. Live your day for God; fill your plate with His word and the rest will fall on the plate where it needs to be; but you can bet it will not fall on the floor as crumbs from a table.

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